These numbers represent from 1/1/24 to 9/13/24
Total Calls
On Duty Firefighters
It is time for our annual fund-raising drive. We will be reaching out to Kern County residents and businesses in the coming weeks to raise money for local, worthy causes. We will also be sponsoring a Business Directory consisting of fire prevention articles, emergency phone numbers and advertisements from local concerned business owners.
Although Local 1301 has been raising money for charities this way for 26 years, there are always reasonable concerns that these solicitations by phone are part of a scam. We want to ensure our members and the public that calls the may receive in the next few weeks are in fact legitimate and have been authorized and approved by the Local 1301 Board of Directors.
We want to thank everyone for supporting us this year. If you would like to donate, please click the link below to donate.
501(c)(5) #95-2480612
501(c)(3) #95-3489994